Dedication and Quote

This blog is dedicated to all of the people in the world who love poetry. Poetry is a great way of giving words much more meaning. My favorite thing about writing poetry is being able to show feelings through a meaningful rhythm.

Poetry is a lesson of life through the eyes of the words.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Ode to my life (Ode)

My head aches, and I feel slightly dizzy,
Nervous, as I think about what's next,
Not sure what to do about the future,
Loss of hope as I stare blankly

I fall into a trance, looking all around,
as I think of all my life's agony,
So much distress, ready for a break,
The people around me seem so wide awake

While I'm still thinking, the world does not stop,
Always making mistakes, even though
I try to set things right, Try to get pass,
time and time again, but can't seem to grip

The answer far away,
Trying to listen, can't seem to pay attention,
Although I try, something always goes wrong,
Maybe in the end, something will go right  

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